Part M: Implementation Visit in Sri Lanka
May 8 to 12, 2023
A 5-day on-site activity took place between the 8th and 12th of May 2023 at Sri Lanka CAA (CAASL) premises. The main objective was to assess the progress in implementing the SARI Part M regulation within Sri Lanka and provide the CAASL with guidance where required.
The Implementation Visit aimed to achieve the following:
To coordinate and exchange best practices with the SARI experts to acquire additional confidence and expertise in the implementation of Section B of SARI Part M from the preparation work onwards.
To assess the way CAASL is implementing Section B of SARI Part M by evaluating the CAASL’s working practices, auditing methods and procedures, and provide CAASL staff with advice as required.
To evaluate and assess the implementation status of SARI Part M Section A by the aviation industry in Sri Lanka through monitoring of the CAASL Inspectors’ oversight functions.
To measure CAASL progress in the development and implementation of SARI Part M.
To assess the methods and techniques used by CAASL’s staff in preparing and executing the surveillance audits.
To identify and clarify possible misinterpretations of Part M by CAASL and the industry.
During the activity, CAASL provided presentations on the organization's structure, industry size and complexity, as well as challenges and progress made in implementing Part M. The Part M Section B Compliance checklist was reviewed in conjunction with the review of the CAASL’s manuals and SARI Part M Section B followed by an audit of Cinnamon Air performed by the CAASL officials. Visits to Fits Aviation and Sri Lankan Airlines were completed with the primary objective of assessing how CAASL is implementing SARI Part M and providing guidance to resolve any difficulties they face in the interpretation and application of this regulation. The activity concluded with a briefing on the outcomes of the visit and the most important areas requiring improvements were discussed in detail.
The activity hosted 8 participants of which 6 were CAA representatives from Sri Lanka, 1 was a representative from CAA Pakistan (SARI SQE), 1 participant from CAA Maldives (SARI SQE) including 2 SARI team representatives: SARI Coordinator, Mr. Muhammad Zahid Bhatti and SARI Airworthiness expert, Mr. Asmir Kruhovic.