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Assistance to CAASL
in the area of Airworthiness

9th - 20th of December, 2024


At the request of CAASL for long term support in various aspects of Airworthiness, SARI Airworthiness expert Mr Asmir Kruhovic visited Sri Lanka in January 2024 for a three-week mission. The CAASL request aimed to secure ongoing assistance in the development and updating of AIR regulations, ensuring their proper and effective implementation within both the regulatory body and the aviation industry. Additionally, key focus areas included evaluating Part M compliance within both CAASL and the aviation industry, as well as strengthening technical support to enhance their safety oversight capabilities in the Airworthiness domain. Subsequently, the expert returned to Sri Lanka in May 2024 to provide assistance, with a particular focus on updating the Part 66/147 regulations.


To evaluate the progress made by CAASL so far and provide further support in updating and revising their regulations in line with the latest EASA updates, after a thorough coordination with EU-SA APP II officials, the expert, and CAASL, another two-week-long activity has been scheduled. This activity will be conducted from 9th to 20th December 2024 and will involve collaboration with both CAASL and the industry.


By the end of the activity, the AIR expert, CAA Sri Lanka officials, and the industry will grasp the CAP progress to gain better insight into the current situation and emphasise the most important issues. Through concise educational sessions by the expert and discussions among the participants, the collaborative team will have clarity on significant changes in Part-M, Part-CAMO, Part-145, Part-66, and Part-147, including General Aviation-related issues and Risk- and Performance-Based Oversight (RBO/PBO). This comprehensive knowledge will contribute to an improved and streamlined approach to these important aspects of aviation regulation and oversight. Additionally, an onsite assessment of the management systems is planned for the selected organisation using the EASA Management System Assessment Tool (MSAT).


Overall, the activity will impart the participants with the insights and tools needed to bridge the existing gaps, overcome challenges, and implement positive changes in their operational frameworks.

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